Expert-Guided Medical Weight Loss – Coming Soon to Innovative Physical Therapy!

Evaluations and Screenings

Evaluations and Screenings

Onsite Provider Evaluations

Innovative Physical Therapy is proud to add onsite provider medical evaluations for personal injury, motor vehicle accidents, and work injury patients. Our providers have decades of combined experience and will help get you to your pre-injury level of activity as quickly as possible. Start your journey to healing at one of our convenient locations.

Complimentary Injury Screening

Innovative Physical Therapy offers our patients complimentary injury screenings. If you have a nagging pain that won’t go away, our trained physical therapists will schedule an injury screening designed to evaluate your pain, mobility, and overall body movement.   

  • 20-minute screening that measures strength, range of motion and flexibility

  • Assessment by a licensed physical therapist

  • Quick and convenient scheduling

  • A plan personalized to your body’s needs

Functional Movement Screening

Yearly physical therapy visits are just as important as annual cholesterol tests!

One of the best tools in a PT’s prevention arsenal is the movement screen. Based on the information gathered, a physical therapist can help you safely reach your fitness goals and teach preventive strategies that can be incorporated into your daily life.

Concussion screenings are also available.